website screenshot

Website changes: I’m currently working to change my entire site to be the same style as this blog. At the same time, I thought it would be a good idea to give the shopping-basket side of things a bit of a facelift. That’s going to take a little bit longer as I’m now looking to incorporate:

  1. A database to make order management easier, and allow customers to review their order status online.
  2. AJAX (Asynchronous Javascript And Xhtml) to make the user interface a bit slicker.
  3. More checkout options, I’ll be adding GoogleCheckout in addition to PayPal

Hopefully these changes won’t take too long. But until the updates go live you can continue to use the old site for buy prints and if you’d like to pay with GoogleCheckout then just drop me an email.

Website hosting: I’m pretty happy right now with my webhosting, if I wasn’t I’d move it. I’d go as far as saying that I’m sufficiently happy with the webhosting company (Floppynet) that I’d recommend them to people. So far they’ve dealt with all my support requests, however stupid, quickly and resolved any issues equally fast. When I exceeded my bandwidth limit and the site went down, they put it back up on request before I’d even paid the extra to upgrade to a higher month bandwidth. All very nice. They might not offer what you are after, but for basic hosting I’d say they’re pretty good. Now, I’m recommending them because I think they are good, but because a friend asked about them and is planning on signing up his site with them, I did a little research. It turns out they’ll also pay me for recommending them. I see this as a bonus, and I wouldn’t recommend them just to get money – they don’t pay that much! So take this as a genuine recommendataion, but if you are going to sign up with Floppynet, I’d be happy if you would do so via the link on this page.

Website changes & Website hosting
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