Tony and Monika got married on Christmas eve 2008, but it’s taken me a little while to get around to blogging about it because I had a couple of weeks off after that.

I’ve known Tony since he was quite small – which was a long time ago since he is now 6′ 7″ or so. Tony’s sister is my best friend and was my best man, and I’ve known her and her family for as long as I can remember. Doing the photography for a friend’s wedding is always enjoyable, and this was no exception. Tony also does quite a bit of photography, so spent much of the “getting ready” time talking to me about cameras, different types of commercial photography etc.

I  guess I’ve known Monika since she was small too, since she still is quite petite at 5′ or thereabouts! A large height differential always makes it more challenging to arrange photos, but it’s only one of many challenges faced by wedding photographers. The same challenge occurred at Simon and Miranda’s wedding. A compensation, I guess, was that both weddings were made easier by having very photogenic brides.

The wedding itself was a small registar office event with the reception back at Tony’s Mum’s house. Monika is Polish, and Tony & Monika are planning a larger wedding blessing out in Poland for the summer. I was only hired to cover a short bit of the reception, but I gather things will have gone on well into the following morning. The tradition in poland is to have Christmas dinner before Midnight Mass on Christmas eve, and I understand vodka may have been involved both before and after the Mass.

Tony and Monika’s wedding
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