
It’s not as dramatic as the picture makes out, but the observant out there may have noticed I’ve made a small change to my website addressing recently. In case you’ve missed it I thought I’d tell you about it. It’s not really worthy of a blog post, but it was that or tell you about my new kitchen floor.

Firstly, the blog always was at, while the client area was at This is all nicely consistent now with the www. Although I believe the website still works without it anyway.

Secondly, the pages of the website and the blog posts, all have nice little wordy addresses now (like /a-change-of-address ), rather than the rather cryptic numeric ones (like /?p=213) addresses. It make is easier to remember where you are.

Both changes are pretty cosmetic, and neither of them should affect the operation of the website, or your links to it. Although you may want to update your weblinks if you’re anything like my slightly pedantic 2 year old daughter, and it is going to bother you.

A change of address
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4 thoughts on “A change of address

  • January 18, 2009 at 10:43 pm

    you might want to think about adding an RSS feed button because I just tried to add you to my google reader and ended up having to put but only because i remembered that was the standalone(? not sure of technical word!) address… then it will be easy for your adoring fans to follow you 🙂

  • January 19, 2009 at 9:38 am

    There’s a text link to the RSS feed on the main blog page, but I’ll try to figure out how to do something prettier.

  • January 19, 2009 at 9:57 am

    there. Pretty button added… now where should it go on the page? Suggestions welcome.

  • January 21, 2009 at 3:07 pm

    It appears this change did stuff some things up. As a result of the change, Google’s webmaster tools told me of 367 broken links I needed to sort out. I think I’ve fixed most of them, but if you come across any broken links on my site do let me know.

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